Design Your Career

Career transition and re-entry: your individual journey
You are facing a turning point in your professional career - be it a realignment, a return to work or a change at your current job. Together we will take this path to achieve your goals. In personal discussions and with the help of various activity methods, supported by the LINC Career Profiler and the Personality Profiler (LPP), we develop your behavioral and personality profile. We take the time to explore your strengths, preferences and potential. Together we will develop your professional goals - be it a different job, a change of company or a new direction in the current work environment. With these clear goals in mind, we lay the foundation for your individual implementation strategy. I will provide you with advice in order to optimally plan and support your steps. Career (re-)orientation is a journey that requires a solid foundation. With the right career advice and the right tools, we will design your path together to actively shape your professional future.
Job Coaching
You are in good hands in your current position or in your company, but you still feel the desire for change: be it in your department, on a project, in your leadership behavior, your self-presentation or your salary. In moments like these, I would like to support you as your job coach. We research what exactly moves you and what you want to achieve. Together we develop strategies and options for action to realize your goals. The implementation phase is crucial, and I am at your side as a sparring partner and companion. As a job coach, I am here to support you on your professional path and to realize your visions . Together we will create the changes you want.
Job Application Review
What should you do to convince an applicant management system? Artificial intelligence is used in applicant selection. I'll show you how the smart matching platforms are convinced by your CV. I'll give you professional, competent feedback on your application documents, social profiles (LinkedIn and Xing) or create individual documents and profiles for you. As an experienced HR manager, I'll work with you to develop comprehensive ones Application strategies and work on professional marketing of yourself.
Personality and aptitude diagnostics
Recognize your potential, your talents, your skills and use them successfully. With the LINC Personality Profiler you get a new look at your personality. In the future, you can use your energy for what suits you and your personality. The LPP is a personality analysis and you receive a differentiated profile of your personality.
Big Five Character Traits:
Who am I?
What skills and strengths do I have?
What drives me?
Are you ready to drive your own career success?
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